We provide most Ocean Health Index (OHI) data through Github, but some files are just too large. These larger files are available from this location. Specifically, the following data are available here:
The raster files may be particularly useful for researchers conducting regional OHI assessments (or, other analyses) that require summarizing the data for regions.
Resources are available for viewing, analyzing, and manipulating spatial data in R from our Github repository, specifically:
This folder includes shapefiles in both the Mollweide (regions_mol) and WGS 84 (regions_gcs) coordinate reference systems (Fig. 1). See this primer for more information about coordinate reference systems. These files can be opened in mapping programs such as ArcGIS, GRASS GIS, and R. Table 1 includes information about the data fields included in these shapefiles.
Figure 1. OHI regions
For the Mollweide (A) and WGS 84 (B) coordinate reference systems.
Table 1. OHI region metadata
The region shapefiles include the following fields.
Field | Includes | Description |
rgn_typ | eez (N = 239), eez-disputed (15), eez-inland (5), fao (15), land (229), land-disputed (8), land-noeez (40) | Only the “eez” and “fao” regions are included in the global assessments. “fao” regions refer to the FAO Major Fishing Areas, excluding eez regions. The “eez” regions are based on the exclusive economic zone boundaries of 220 regions and the CCAMLR areas for 19 regions in Antarctica. |
ant_type | eez (N = 220), eez-ccamlr (19), eez-disputed (15), eez-inland (5), fao (15), land (220), land-ccamlr (9), land-disputed (8), land-noeez (40) | This is similar to the rgn_typ variable but designates the Antarctica regions (“eez-ccamlr”) |
rgn_id | numeric region identifiers (1 - 337) | 255 = disputed regions; 260-277 = fao regions; 301-337 = landlocked regions; 213 = Antarctica CCAMLR regions |
ant_id | numeric region identifiers | Same as rgn_id, except that Antarctica CCAMLR regions are identified |
rgn_nam | e.g., Antarctica, Peru | Name of region |
rgn_key | e.g., ATA, UMI | Short identifying code for region |
are_km2 | numeric (<1, 30604795) | Area of region in km2 |
Download additional OHI region files
This zipfile contains several spatial files that we use for global OHI assessments:
Filename | Format | Description |
sp_mol_raster_1km.tif | tif raster | ~ 1km resolution raster of OHI regions (generated using the Mollweide spatial file provided above) |
regionData.csv | csv | links the cell ids in the sp_mol_raster_1km.tif to other region data |
ocean.tif | tif raster | ocean mask used to prepare pressure files |
ice_mask_resampled.tif | tif raster | mask used to exclude ice areas for some pressures |
regions_offshore3nm_mol | shapefile | 3nm offshore area for OHI regions |
We use Net Primary Productivity data to scale the fishing pressures data for the OHI global assessment.
This is a slightly modified version of the data provided by:
Behrenfeld, M.J. and Falkowski, P.G., 1997. Photosynthetic rates derived from satellite‐based chlorophyll concentration. Limnology and oceanography, 42(1), pp.1-20.
As described here, we convert these data to a tif raster in the Mollweide coordinate reference system and average the monthly data to estimate mean annual NPP. Units are mg C/m2/data. Data are available from 2003 to 2015.
These data could be useful for estimating fishing pressures at different spatial scales.